Gemini (1999 film)

Gemini also known as Sseiji is a 1999 horror film by Shinya Tsukamoto, loosely based on an Edogawa Ranpo story, which pursues his theme of the brutally physical and animalistic side of human beings rearing its ugly head underneath a civilized veneer, present in previous films like Tetsuo The Iron Man 1989 and Tokyo Fist 1995, in what is a new territory for Tsukamotoa story set in the late Meiji era 18681912 with no stopmotion photography and no industrial setting.

However, things begin to fall apart. Both his parents die suddenly, killed by a mysterious stranger who looks just like him. His relationship with his wife worsens after he chooses to cure the mayor instead of destitute denizens of nearby ghettos. While isolated from his relatives, he one day faces the mysterious stranger who turns out to be his longlost rejected twin, Sutekichi again Motoki. Bent on revenge, Sutekichi throws him into the gardens well and takes over his life and his wife.The final conflict between the two brothers is realized when Yukio, forced into an animalistic existence in the well, reemerges, prompting the fratricidal fight for the love of the same woman, since it turns out while he takes over Yukios role that Rin had actually once been Sutekichis lover. ........

Source: Wikipedia